
خانه Standard

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The standard mark is a mark of quality of goods and goods or services that do not have any standard mark are not suitable for use and purchase in any way.

It may not be possible to give a very precise definition of the standard, but in general it can be said that the standard is the result of past tests and studies for future conclusions and use.

Of course, it should be noted that throughout history, standard criteria have always changed and are never the same. Virtually every standard course requires its own. Today, when we buy a product, apart from its brand, we pay attention to its production date, expiration date and standard mark or marks.

Standards, however, do not only apply to goods, but also to many services. It must be acknowledged that any goods or services must be provided within a specific framework, and these frameworks can be defined by standard. In today’s world, almost every country has its own national standard.

European standard

This standard, abbreviated CE, is intended for mandatory standardization of many commercial and industrial products produced or sold in the European Economic Area. These letters are an abbreviation of the French words Communauté Européenne. Products that receive the CE mark must be tested for health, safety and harm to the human body and nature, and if they meet these conditions, they will be able to receive the mark.

In general, and more simply, the ‌CE mark indicates that the product complies with European Union regulations on safety, health, and consumer and environmental protection. The main purpose of the standard is to make the product comply with the essential requirements of European Union regulations and to allow products to be freely marketed in the EU market. It also allows customs officials and officials to collect non-compliant products from the EU market.

American Standard

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a privately held nonprofit that oversees standards that are issued for products, services, processes, systems, and employee work. Another task of the institute is to bring American standards into line with international standards so that they can be used globally and on a larger scale.

The main task of this institute is to validate the standards produced by the representatives of standardization institutes, government agencies, consumer groups, companies, etc. These standards ensure that products have the same function and characteristics so that consumers can use products with the same specifications and be tested in the same way. The institute is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and is headquartered in New York.


ISO stands for International Standard Organization.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international federation of national standards bodies. The number of these institutions is more than 140, each of which belongs to a country. ISO is a non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in 1947. The task of ISO is to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world.

All this is to facilitate the export and import of goods, technologies and services. The sum of ISO activities is international conventions that are published as international standards. It is interesting to know that ISO management systems are implemented through more than 430 thousand organizations in 158 countries. About 300 ISO standards are publicly available. For example, ISO 14001 is an environmental management standard.

TUV standard

One of the most prestigious standards in the world belongs to an organization in Germany that monitors the health of industrial goods provided by various companies to meet the standards provided for human health and the environment.

As an independent consultant, the organization oversees the operational health of goods or products such as agricultural products, vehicle emissions, the standard for the construction of heavy and light vehicle engines, and energy facilities.

Many subunits of TÜV holders can act as organizers as well as developers of energy categories and related concepts, and provide solutions to environmental problems. They must abide by the laws given to them on the basis of TÜV and take steps towards human health and the environment. It is worth noting that the TÜV standard is capable of adapting to a variety of ISOs.

The standard is the solution

This standard is specific to Islamic countries and Muslims around the world. It is clear from the name of this standard that it is most used for food and it shows that Muslims can consume food that has such a standard. The Halal Food Standard was developed in 2004 and the Halal Industry Development Agency (HDC) was established in 2006 to coordinate and integrate the development of the Malaysian Halal Industry.

Of course, in Islamic countries, because the majority of the population is Muslim, it is natural for these food products to be halal according to Islamic law, but for many Muslims living in non-Muslim countries, it is necessary to have such a standard on food.

It should be noted that according to the established frameworks, halal food should not only be free from any forbidden ingredients but also from any impurity. As a result, this issue can go beyond the production line, but also to the stage of packaging, warehousing, and so on.

Author: persian / Date: 2017-10-26
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