Why is customer satisfaction important?
Why is customer satisfaction important?

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Why is customer satisfaction important?

At the beginning of the third millennium and with the changes in the business environment (inside and outside the organization), organizations have changed their approach from product-oriented to customer-oriented. One of the most important factors in this approach is monitoring and improving customer satisfaction. There are many reasons to try to increase customer satisfaction in organizations, but in general these reasons can be divided into three categories: philosophical reasons, economic reasons and reasons related to certification and accreditation.

Importance-Customer Satisfaction

Today, manufacturing or service organizations consider customer satisfaction as an important criterion for measuring the quality of their work, and this trend is still increasing. Customer importance and satisfaction is something that goes back to global competition. Customer satisfaction is one of the main dimensions of quality management systems and organizational excellence models such as Malcolm Baldrige, EFQM, Quality Performance Development (QFD), Total Quality Management (TQM) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI).

Today, obtaining quality certifications is one of the principles of organizations to improve processes and strategies, as well as gaining credibility. To achieve these certifications, monitoring and continuous improvement of customer satisfaction is essential and key. For example, in the EFQM Award, one of the eight main areas is customer-centric and has a 20% score. Measuring customer satisfaction is also a requirement in the ISO standard guidelines, but the process and how is not specified.

Why is customer satisfaction important?

In general, there are two basic approaches to measuring and monitoring customer satisfaction, which are the objective approach and the conceptual approach. Objective methods are methods that measure customer satisfaction by measuring indicators that are felt to be related to customer satisfaction. For example, customer satisfaction is determined using indicators such as sales volume or return purchase volume. These methods are not very precise and clear.

Because indicators such as the above are affected by various economic, cultural, etc. components and are not able to express customer satisfaction comprehensively. In contrast, conceptual methods directly measure customer satisfaction using communication. Therefore, conceptual methods have more validity and reliability.

Customers and consumers are always looking for suppliers who can offer them far better goods or services. Evidence also shows that in today’s competitive world, discovering the needs and wants of customers and satisfying them before competitors is a basic condition for success for companies. Hence, organizations and businesses strive to achieve a unique position over other competitors by achieving unique advantages. One of the most common methods to determine the degree of satisfaction of needs and wants through goods and services provided by organizations is to measure customer satisfaction. Measuring customer satisfaction provides an effective tool to control the overall performance of the organization and helps the organization to identify its weaknesses and try to eliminate them, and allows the organization to identify economic strengths according to specific time conditions. In this article, first the concept of customer satisfaction, different methods and models of customer satisfaction are introduced, and finally the national indicators of customer satisfaction of some countries are examined.


Customer satisfaction is one of the internal measures of organizations, which shows their orientation towards satisfying customer demands and to improve the quality of products and services. According to Joran, customer satisfaction is a state that the customer feels that Features The product meets his expectations. Dissatisfaction is also a situation in which the defects and defects of the product cause dissatisfaction, complaint and criticism of the customer. In one definition, customer satisfaction is the state and reaction that the consumer and the customer express to the consumption or purchase of the product.

Author: persian / Date: 2017-10-26
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